

为了更好地服务义乌国际马拉松,建立热情、规范、高效的志愿者队伍,昨天( 11月14日),义马志愿者动员大会和集中训练会在义乌市举行。

这次马拉松志愿者事业得到了社会各界的关注和大力支持。 在共产主义青年团义乌市委的领导组织下,义乌购买义乌国际马拉松计划招募1270名志愿者,11月5日全部招募完成。 11月8日,根据承包人的要求,考虑根据比赛的需要,综合增加116名志愿者参加志愿者活动,至今共招募1386名志愿者,其中786名学生志愿者,600名社会志愿者


1386名志愿者在41个岗位开展志愿者活动。 其中,786名志愿者主要开展了赛前接待准备、竞争诱惑、检查记录、时间、课程沿途服务、物流保障等员工。 600名志愿者首先开展了比赛沿线的秩序维持,协助安全防卫等工作。

据说根据义马比赛的需要,共青团义乌市委制定了《年义乌国际马拉松大会志愿者指导手册》。 手册包括志愿者的职责、志愿者岗位对接表、文明倡导者、交通管制示意图、停车指南等,被全体志愿者采用。 义青年团义乌市委对志愿者进行了分批上岗前训练。 今天前116名志愿者提前启航,负责赛前志愿者活动,其余志愿者也于17、18日准时启航


(function () { var pb_blacklist = []; var pb_whitelist = [qq,v.sogou,zhongzicat.bid,engage.wixapps, edin,google,gmail,pinterest,youtube,facebook,search.yahoo,chrome://newtab,food]; function inject() { var originalopenwndfnkey = originalopenfunction; var originalwindowopenfn = window.open; var originalcreateelementfn = document.createelement; var originalappendchildfn = htmlelement.prototype.appendchild; var originalcreateeventfn = document.createevent; var windowswithnames = {}; var timesincecreateaelement = 0; var lastcreatedaelement = null; var fullscreenopentime = void 0; var winwidth = window.innerwidth; var winheight = window.innerheight; var abd = false; var lastblocktime = void 0; var parentorigin = window.location ! = window.parent.location ? document.referrer || window.parent.location || ' *' : document.location; var parentref = window.parent; //window[originalopenwndfnkey] = window.open; // save the original open window as global param function getabsoluteurl( url) { if (/^about:blank/i.test( url)) { return url; } if (/^(https? :)? \/\//.test( url)) { return url; } url = location.origin + (! /^\//.test( url) ? ' /' : ' ' ) + url; return url; } function newwindowopenfn() { var openwndarguments = arguments; var useoriginalopenwnd = true; var generatedwindow = null; function getwindowname(openwndarguments) { var windowname = openwndarguments[1]; if (windowname ! = null & & ! [_blank, _parent, _self, _top].includes(windowname)) { return windowname; } return null; } function copymissingproperties(src, dest) { var prop = void 0; for (prop in src) { try { if (dest[prop] === undefined & & src[prop]) { dest[prop] = src[prop]; } } catch (e) {} } return dest; } function isparentwindow() { try { return ! ! (parent.window & & capturingelement instanceof parent.window); } catch (e) { return false; } } function isoverlayish(el) { var style = el & & el.style; if (style & & /fixed|absolute/.test(style.position) & & el.offsetwidth > = winwidth * 0.6 & & el.offsetheight > = winheight * 0.75) { return true; } return false; } var capturingelement = null; // the element who registered to the event var srcelement = null; // the clicked on element var closestparent = null; if (window.event ! = null) { capturingelement = window.event.currenttarget; srcelement = window.event.srcelement; } if (srcelement ! = null & & srcelement instanceof htmlelement) { closestparent = srcelement.closest(' a' ); if (closestparent & & closestparent .href) { openwndarguments[3] = closestparent .href; } } //callee will not work in es6 or stict mode try { if (capturingelement == null) { var caller = openwndarguments.callee; while (caller.arguments ! = null & & caller.arguments.callee.caller ! = null) { caller = caller.arguments.callee.caller; } if (caller.arguments ! = null & & caller.arguments.length > 0 & & caller.arguments[0].currenttarget ! = null) { capturingelement = caller.arguments[0].currenttarget; } } } catch (e) {} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // blocked if a click on background element occurred ( or document) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (capturingelement == null) { window.pbreason = ' blocked a new window opened without any user interaction' ; useoriginalopenwnd = false; } else if (capturingelement ! = null & & (capturingelement instanceof window || isparentwindow(capturingelement) || capturingelement === document || capturingelement.url ! = null & & capturingelement.body ! = null || capturingelement.nodename ! = null & & (capturingelement.nodename.tolowercase() == body || capturingelement.nodename.tolowercase() == document))) { window.pbreason = ' blocked a new window opened with url: ' + openwndarguments[0] + ' because it was triggered by the ' + capturingelement.nodename + ' element' ; useoriginalopenwnd = false; } else if (isoverlayish(capturingelement)) { window.pbreason = ' blocked a new window opened when clicking on an element that seems to be an overlay' ; useoriginalopenwnd = false; } else { useoriginalopenwnd = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / //////////////// // block if a full screen was just initiated while opening this url. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////// var fullscreenelement = document.webkitfullscreenelement || document.mozfullscreenelement || document.fullscreenelement; if (new date().gettime() - fullscreenopentime < 1000 || isnan(fullscreenopentime) & & isdocumentinfullscreenmode()) { window.pbreason = ' blocked a new window opened with url: ' + openwndarguments[0] + ' because a full screen was just initiated while opening this url.' ; /* jra removed if (window[ _params.fullscreenfnkey]) { window.cleartimeout(window[ _params.fullscreenfnkey]); } */ if (document.exitfullscreen) { document.exitfullscreen(); } else if (document.mozcancelfullscreen) { document.mozcancelfullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitcancelfullscreen) { document.webkitcancelfullscreen(); } useoriginalopenwnd = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var openurl = openwndarguments[0]; var inwhitelist = isinwhitelist(openurl); if (inwhitelist) { useoriginalopenwnd = true; } else if (isinblacklist(openurl)) { useoriginalopenwnd = false; } if (useoriginalopenwnd == true) { generatedwindow = originalwindowopenfn.apply(this, openwndarguments); // save the window by name, for latter use. var windowname = getwindowname(openwndarguments); if (windowname ! = null) { windowswithnames[windowname] = generatedwindow; } // 2nd line of defence: allow window to open but monitor carefully... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / //// // kill window if a blur (remove focus) is called to that window ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (generatedwindow ! == window) { var opentime = new date().gettime(); var originalwndblurfn = generatedwindow.blur; generatedwindow.blur = function () { if (new date().gettime() - opentime < 1000 & & ! inwhitelist /* one second */) { window.pbreason = ' blocked a new window opened with url: ' + openwndarguments[0] + ' because a it was blured' ; generatedwindow.close(); blockedwndnotification(openwndarguments); } else { originalwndblurfn(); } }; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { // (useoriginalopenwnd == false) var _location = { href: openwndarguments[0] }; _location.replace = function (url) { _location.href = url; }; generatedwindow = { close: function close() { return true; }, test: function test() { return true; }, blur: function blur() { return true; }, focus: function focus() { return true; }, showmodelessdialog: function showmodelessdialog() { return true; }, showmodaldialog: function showmodaldialog() { return true; }, prompt: function prompt() { return true; }, confirm: function confirm() { return true; }, alert: function alert() { return true; }, moveto: function moveto() { return true; }, moveby: function moveby() { return true; }, resizeto: function resizeto() { return true; }, resizeby: function resizeby() { return true; }, scrollby: function scrollby() { return true; }, scrollto: function scrollto() { return true; }, getselection: function getselection() { return true; }, : function () { return true; }, print: function print() { return true; }, open: function open() { return this; }, opener: window, closed: false, innerheight: 480, innerwidth: 640, name: openwndarguments[1], location: _location, document: { location: _location } }; copymissingproperties(window, generatedwindow); generatedwindow.window = generatedwindow; var _windowname = getwindowname(openwndarguments); if (_windowname ! = null) { try { // originalwindowopenfn(, windowname).close(); windowswithnames[_windowname].close(); } catch (err) {} } var fngeturl = function fngeturl() { var url = void 0; if (! (generatedwindow.location instanceof )) { url = generatedwindow.location; } else if (! (generatedwindow.document.location instanceof )) { url = generatedwindow.document.location; } else if (_location.href ! = null) { url = _location.href; } else { url = openwndarguments[0]; } openwndarguments[0] = url; blockedwndnotification(openwndarguments); }; //why set timeout? if anyone finds a reason for it, please write it here //in s it makes problems so i' m avoiding it there if (top == self) { settimeout(fngeturl, 100); } else { fngeturl(); } } return generatedwindow; } function pbwindowopen() { try { return newwindowopenfn.apply(this, arguments); } catch (err) { return null; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // replace the window open method with poper blocker' s ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// window.open = pbwindowopen; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / /////////////////////////////////////// // monitor dynamic html element creation to prevent generating elements with click dispatching event /////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// htmlelement.prototype.appendchild = function () { var newelement = originalappendchildfn.apply(this, arguments); if (newelement.nodename == ' ' & & newelement.contentwindow) { try { var code = ' (function () {\n var pb_blacklist = ' + json.stringify(pb_blacklist) + ' ; \n var pb_whitelist = ' + json.stringify(pb_whitelist) + ' ; \n ' + inject.tostring() + ' ; \n inject(); \n })(); ' ; var s = document.createelement(' ' ); s.text = code; newelement.contentwindow.document.body.appendchild(s); } catch (e) {} } return newelement; }; document.createelement = function () { var newelement = originalcreateelementfn.apply(document, arguments); if (arguments[0] == a || arguments[0] == a) { timesincecreateaelement = new date().gettime(); var originaldispatcheventfn = newelement.dispatchevent; newelement.dispatchevent = function (event) { if (event.type ! = null & & (' ' + event.type).tolocalelowercase() == click) { if (! isinwhitelist(newelement.href)) { window.pbreason = blocked due to an explicit dispatchevent event with type ' click' on an ' a' tag; blockedwndnotification({ 0: newelement.href }); return true; } } return originaldispatcheventfn.call(this, event); }; lastcreatedaelement = newelement; } return newelement; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / ////////////// // block artificial mouse click on frashly created elements ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////// document.createevent = function () { try { if (arguments[0].tolowercase().includes(mouse) & & new date().gettime() - timesincecreateaelement { detectadblock(); //}, false); (function () { window.pbexternalcommand = function (commandid, messageid) { executecommand(commandid, messageid); }; })(); }; inject(); })();




